There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of my adorable little Zivs. She is the apple of my eye and I love her so much. I am so proud of how much she accomplished so far.
Born in March, she will be 9 months in a couple weeks. In this time, she's learned how to roll over completely, sit (but not sitting up on her own yet), stand (but leaning or balancing on something), mastered her fruits/veggies & meats. Ziva also loves to make an array of sounds in addition to saying "ma ma" , "da da" and "na na"
Looking back at her "newborn" pictures, it's hard to imagine how little she was (born at 7 LBS 15 oz) compared to how much she's grown since (20-25Lbs). People aren't kidding when they tell you to enjoy every minute as they grow fast. . . "they do"!!!
This is why I want to be sure I photograph Ziva enough throughout her lifetime. To this, I am glad for digital photography as it allows you to take as many pictures as you want (pending on the space provided on your memory card). Without feeling limited, I am able to capture Ziva's mannerisms, the light that dances along her face or the way she looks when Morris, our cat, walks into the room.
I love that I can photograph her in the many stages in her life. As a newborn, I had to be creative as Ziva wasn't strong enough to hold herself up or to have "tummy time". I would photograph her laying against/on a nursing pillow or in her "bouncy seat" or just on/against different colored blankets. Now that she is strong enough, I love photographing her in her "jumper" that hangs in the door way of my office (home office). Her expressions are priceless every time. Each time I photograph her, I can notices how much she changes, even if it's a matter of a couple weeks (a lot can happen in that time).
I am looking forward to the point she is more mobile (or even when she can stand on her own). For me, this is a whole-nother series of pictures and I'm going to enjoy every minute.
I'm hoping that when Ziva gets older, she'll be able to look back at her pictures and get a clear idea of who she was as a baby especially since this is something neither of us really had a clear picture of except to hear stories from our parents.
I am excited to see where her photographs lead me . . . and to see Ziva grow.