Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Starting a Studio

I don't know if this has to do with having my picture taken with my daughter Ziva at Glamor Shots in Appleton (Fox River Mall Location), but I am in the mood to get an indoor studio started (will possibly post a pic in the next week from out experience AND NOTE: I only went there cuz I won a "Free" Session to which I'll discuss in another entry). Unfortunately I'd have to get it set up in my basement, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?? I'm thinking I'm going to end up there anyways (as far as my home office space) if we still plan to extend our family (I'd at least like to have another child-wishing for a boy). The other option is if we happen to move into a larger house where I'd have better space, but knowing right now, that won't happen for a while, and that's ok, I can deal.
The other thing is planning & making a goal. I know I will have to plan for space in the basement (obviously the opposite end that my husband's gym/work-out equip is) and a little re-decorating/re-arranging (sorry hun, the beer signs have to go-at least on "my side"). And I know I can purchase some inexpensive cloth (muslin) backdrops which maybe I can buy 2-4 by the end of the year (will have to see how the cash-flow is) and a few props like chairs, flowers etc (will have to ck out the rummage sales this spring/summer). Unfortunately, lighting will have to wait until next year, but until then I may be able to get away with using/practicing with my hand held equip. In addition, I think I will also have to plan for a newer photo program (newest photoshop) and maybe an additional computer. Some of the many things I need to think about & will happen over time, but will get there eventually.
I know this has been something I've been putting off & somewhat kicking my self for not purchasing these items when I had the extra cash (before the economy really took a hit) and before we had our daughter (buying diapers & formula adds up-kids aren't cheap!). However, at the time, I don't think I really believed having a studio only to think how uncomfortable & un-naturalist some photogs make you feel when they take your picture (or how uncomfortable some people feel when they are in a "un-natural setting" especially when I photograph the "formal photos" inside the church, rather than outside). But after having our photo-shoot at Glamor Shots , I feel that you can still have fun in a studio setting with little posing (I think the photog we had did a very nice job & I was impressed only to think "hey, I can do this!"). And really it wouldn't be much different how I photograph my daughter, Ziva than I do now, only I'd have a colored/fancier background (at least when it comes to kids).
I would also like to honestly say that I've lost a few potential clients because I didn't have an indoor studio. I am also limited to how many months out of the year that I can photograph outdoors-with weather always being a factor. Though I've rarely had to reschedule outdoor apts, I still think timing is a factor. I've had clients wanting pictures taken (at a time when they would be avail), but by then the leaves were gone off the trees (to have a nice back-drop) or we had a few feet of snow on the ground and/or weather too cold to have little kids outside etc. etc. Good ole WI weather. I think you get the idea. I've made outdoor photography work until this point (it's also fun looking for new locations to shoot), but I think I need to branch out & grow as a business (rather than doing the same ole things).
With this said, I'm excited for what new things are to come. Again, this will take time (as money become avail also), but glad I can start taking the steps to get there. Wish me luck.


  1. Alright, Josh putting his desk/office space down in the basement puts a damper where I wanted to put a studio-So I will have to figure something else out. In the meanwhile, I'm disappointed in a slight dream I had by crating an in-home studio.

  2. I wish I had an indoor studio as well. I've bought some backdrops of eBay that I use for head shots but like you I like to find new places to shoot. I've bought a lot of my stuff off eBay. You can find good light deals on there. Just a thought
